A sparse MPC solver for walking motion generation.
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 Cchol_solveSolves KKT system using Cholesky decomposition
 CconstraintDefines constraints associated with states of the system
 Cmatrix_EImplements multiplication of matrix E and E' by a vector
 Cmatrix_ecLInitializes lower diagonal matrix L and performs backward and forward substitutions using this matrix
 Cproblem_parametersA set of problem parameters
 Cchol_solveSolves KKT system using Cholesky decomposition
 Cmatrix_EImplements multiplication of matrix E and E' by a vector
 Cmatrix_ecLInitializes lower diagonal matrix L and performs backward and forward substitutions using this matrix
 Cproblem_parametersA set of problem parameters
 CcontrolA container for a control vector
 CsolverAbstract class providing common interface functions
 Csolver_asAPI of the sparse MPC solver
 Csolver_ipAPI of the sparse MPC solver
 CstateAn abstract class representing state
 Cstate_comA container for a state in the original form:
 Cstate_zmpA container for a state in tilde form (after variable substitution):
 CdefConstraintsDefault footstep constraints
 CfootstepDefines a footstep
 Cqp_asSolve a quadratic program with a specific structure. qp_as = Quadratic Programming / Active Set
 Cqp_ipSolve a quadratic program with a specific structure. qp_ip = Quadratic Programming / Interior-point method
 CRectangularConstraint_ZMPDefines rectangular constraints (of the form D*z <= d) for the ZMP
 Csmpc_parametersA container for parameters of the SMPC solver
 CWMGDefines the parameters of the Walking Pattern Generator